Books by Godson Osarenren

Broken Cross

The Broken Cross

In this thrilling tale, the fate of a young journalist itching for her big story crosses with that of a young man with a dark past.
Their mission is to delve deeper into the twisted past of his supremacist father whose unexpected involvement as a high-ranking police official in criminal activities led to his demise with a notorious gang of armed robbers during the 1980s.

Bush Radio

Bush Radio

The term "Bush radio" metaphorically represents other forms of communication or storytelling, particularly those that are passed down orally from generation to generation. In this sense, the Bush radio represents the power of storytelling and the importance of preserving cultural traditions and histories.

Africa is a symphony of voices, a chorus that echoes through the savannahs and reverberates across the deserts. It is a bush radio, broadcasting the stories and songs of its people to all who will listen.


Godson Osarenren is the author of "Bush Radio" (2023) and "The Broken Cross" (2013), a poet, seasoned teacher, blogger and a courageous voice for human rights and social justice.


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